Sunday, August 23, 2009



it's been 2 days since ramadhan started..luckily,ramadhan started on,i can relax a is da third day of ramadhan..the 1st day im fasting at college..alhamdulillah,so far so good..i can still held myself from all the temptations..hehehe..donno how and where am i suppose to break my fast later..maybe at medan,or maybe i'll go back to casa..havent decide yet...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


alhamdulillah,sahabat society food sale was officially done yesterday..thanks to all who helped yesterday..we did get some profit from the sale.we were selling sandwiches,'kek batik',burgers and ice-blended..

burgers and ice-blended were very 'laku'..i was very happy because of that,as 'burgers department was under my and burgers were the top-seller yesterday..

i would like to gv credits to few indivuduals for helping with the food sale..generally,all my friends in Sunway College for buying food from our booth..and i would like to thanks this individuals for being very helpful to be there at the booth yesterday and he;ped with the food-prep..

Sharib - A-levels
Wani - A-levels
Razi - A-levels
Azria - A-levels
Shukri A-levels
Hafiz - A-levels
Maryam - A-levels
Diana - MUFY
Syuhada - MUFY
Ashraf a.k.a Acap Comel - MUFY

And one man who was not even a member of Sahabat Society but did helped me a lot in preparing the burgers..


Monday, August 17, 2009

sahabat society charity food sale


after the selection of the new hi-com of sahabat society , we were given a task by the ex-president,shahril..we were to organize a food sale to increase the fund for the 'breaking-fast' ceremony which will be held during Ramadhan month soon..besides , the objective is to test our capability and teamwork in organizing such event..

after a few meeting were held,we decided to sell a few things like burgers , sandwiches , 'popia basah' n something like 'Slurpee' from 7E a.k.a ice-blended..i was assigned to handle the burgers..huhuhu..but,thew problem is that i dont know how to prepare burgers which are for sell..i can only prepare/cook things that are meant for me and my friends:-)
so,im quite blur now..what should i do???huhuhuhuhu!!!!!!!

the food sale is tomorrow,but i haven't pick anyone to help me with the burgers thingy..anyone can help me??huhuhu..we're going to open our booth at 8a.m. i sure bout that..hopefully everything will run smoothly..

Friday, August 7, 2009

GI Joe in da middle of da nyte..


last nyte,my frens n i went to the summit to watch 'GI Joe'..we intendedly bought da midnyte tickets..hehe..we bought da tickets after our jumaat prayer,so there were still lots of empty seats when we booked the tickets..b4 da show,we when back to casa and spent back our tyme 'wisely'..

at nyte,we,(adib,RJ,farid,amy n I) waited for the other 2,hafiz n nazrin to come b4 we make our move to summit..we went to summit at 11.45pm..when we reached summit,i saw there were still lots of people,n i mean,family were there,enjoying was not a familiar view for me as at my place,at 11,people already started to go back home..

b4 we went in da hall,we bought some popcorn n drinks..the show started a bit late from schedule,(as usual laa)..but,luckily da movie was worth watching..cyesly,it was great..hehehe..

The storyline,special effects n evrything were spectacular..personally,i gv GI Joe a rating of 9/ was excellent!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm da Vice President!!


yesterday,i stayed back at da college with my frens to join the AGM of Sahabat Society..(actually,im not even a member of the club)..hehe..the meeting was held to select a new team of committee members for 08/09 session..

da meeting was handled by my very own frens,kinah and anas..there was prayer recital lead by Sharib(my sarawakian fren)..then,openig speech by both ustazah yazil(club advisor) n shahril(president 07/08)..then,the election begins..i was the first 1 to be nominated for the president..ADOI!! honestly,i like the post but not the work..hehehe..

there were 7 of us,nominated for the president post..n then,we were to leave the hall for a while for the election to take place..then,we were called was sharib who was elected to be da president..while ain n I will be his vice president..hehe

this is da list of sahabat society 08/09 committee members(i 4got their full name,sorry) :

President : Sharib

Vice President : Ain

Secretary : Ashraf

Treasurer : Anas

And i dont remember all names for the committees,sory again..huhu
hopefully,these people,including me will do their best to improve the club n make the best out of this chance..InsyaAllah

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Symposium Rocks!!!!


finally,da symposium had come to an end..alhamdulillah..all our hardwork n time had finally paid off..hehe..i am glad it was finally over..but,i know dat i'll miss da practices n those people who were involved in da theatre..huhu

da ceremony started with a presentation by our very own us usatazah yazil,da programme director..n then da 2nd presentation n da 3rd 1..n then,here come the VIP n the zapin dancers went up the stage n dance gracefully 2 entertain the VIP (huh??!!!)

then,there was an opening speech by dat 'some1' whom i can't remember coz i was at da backstage,preparing 4 our performance..later,da official opening ceremony session was held..hmm,the VIP hit da gong a few times to symbolize da ceremony has been officially opened..

after dat,the theater was a 'BANG'..evrything we planned,worked perfectly..evrything was in place..hehe..da whole theatre crews were satisfied with evry1's effort..hehe..i've got some pics in my fb acct...

then,it was time for da 4th presentation by the owner of was very exciting talk..i enjoyed it soo much..


the main event was,the forum bout teens n social problems..the forum was superb....the panelist were great..they were able to attract out attention till the end of da forum..hehe..

n finally,there was a closing speech by ustazah yazil once again..after that,evry1 is dismissed n we helped to stack up the chairs n went was a great experience for me..

thanks evry1!!