Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chem Topic Test!!


we were having our 1st chemistry topic test this evening at da MPH..i n most of my frens were expecting smthg 'kacang'..(at least i think they r)..hehe..but,as we walked in da MPH,we started to sense smthg 'uneasy'..huhu..

da test started at 4.30pm..hmm,all of da sudden,i felt like smthg dat is undescribable..huhu..smthg very 'heavy',very i flipped da cover page over n read da 1st question,i was taken aback..huhu..Ya Allah,ssh gler!!!!!!!!

luckily,i've done my revision,,i can answer most of da questions laa..da test ended at 6pm,n evry1 seems very tired..huhu..cian diorg :-) when i asked them bout da test,MOST of them said, "gler babi ssh,doww!!" hehe

so,all we can do rite now is wait n see da result..insyaAllah,evry1 will score good result..amin

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

theatre,oh theatre!!


here in sun-u(short form for sunway college), all muslim students must do islamic studies..(juz like other uni laa),b4 we start our lesson,our ustazah told us dat on da 1st of august,which is this coming saturday,there will b a is a programme bout social probs among people nowadays especially,teens..

so,we were divided into few groups n were given tasks..n i've got to be in da theatre..(i donno wether i should b hepy or not)..hehe..
so,since last week,we hv practices at da MPH evry night..huhu..starting at 8pm till 10pm..huhu..very tiring lorr..

Saturday, July 25, 2009



hmmm....mkn-mkn is among da best activity for me..but,unfortunately,the cost of living here is damn,brg makan pon mahal as well..huhu..
but,here at casa subang,got 1 restaurant called 'kak su reataurant'..quite reasonable,my frens n i always go there 4 dinner..hehe..

for breakfast,most of our frens will eat at the cafe in college,but not for us..we always hv our breakfast at home coz we always prepare our supplies n 'reload' regularly..hehe

meanwhile,for lunch,b4 dis,we always go to hasra restaurant..pun quite reasonable,with da fact dat,elaun from jpa x masuk lg..huhu..ssh idop!!!! but,last week,we started to eat at rock cafe a.k.a medan..even cheaper!!! doww..nasi campur rm3-rm4 je..bleh r jimat duit..

dinner,as i hv mentioned earlier,either at kak su or sometimes,we go to mydin..klu poket tebal,g mydin r..klu x,g kak su je..hehe

so far,so good


it has been bout 3weeks i settled in casa subang n lived as a college has been great as i met lots n lots of interesting people n go to new places..n wat is more interesting is,i met 'some1' here..hehe..

assignments,huh???so far,i dont get lots of assgnmnts yet..but,there is still some of them 2 b done..

i started my class at 9.45,my frens n i always take the 8.45 am bus to college..n alomst evryday,we'll finish class at 5.15pm..huhu

after dat,its time for BASKETBALL!!!!!!!,at casa subang,we got our very own basketball court n quite a nice court i would say..hehe..i met lots of players,good n bad..different kinds n skills..shooters,rebounders,passers,dribblers..hehe..but,im da best rebounder around..hahaha..players from other countries r also here..China,nigeria,kenya,yaman..lots of them..

nite tyme??hmmm,i spend most of the tyme at home..playing games,doing works..but,i guess it juz for the 1st few months..who knows??hehe..

Ice-Breaking Session...


juz to let u know,this is my 2nd blog after i 'left' basketball,it's gonna b about my life,especially in college..